New Jersey Family Mediator
Jennifer Kincaid is a professional family mediator practicing in New Jersey. She has a background as a trained paralegal and earned an MBA in Human Resources Management from Seton Hall University.
Jen spent the early part of her career working for many years in corporate legal and HR. She also has an extensive background in real estate sales and investing and has gained a great deal of negotiation experience through that investing and by working on behalf of her clients in real estate sales where she earned several awards for dollar volume and closed transactions.
Jen is happily re-married and is guided by the lessons from her own divorce many years ago. She believes strongly in the privacy, self-determination and cost savings of mediation as a means of conflict resolution for families in transition and provides caring, high-quality service at an extremely affordable rate. Jen received her academic training in mediation from and is an active general member of the New Jersey Association of Professional Mediators.
Outside of her professional career, Jen enjoys time with family, home design and collecting vintage toys. She is actively involved in her church where she serves on the Board of Trustees.